Table 2

Association between demographic characteristics, risk factors, symptoms and findings at admission of patients admitted to hospital for heart failure and readmissions (n = 1055)

Patient characteristics30 day readmission
NNo (%) readmitted (N = 139)p value†
HF = heart failure; MI = myocardial infarction; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PND =  paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea; DOE = dyspnoea on exertion; JVD = jugular vein distension.
*Mean (SD) value.
†Readmitted versus not readmitted.
Age (years)*75.0 (12.8)73.1 (13.0)0.056
Sex (n = 1054)0.404
    Male57280 (14.0)
    Female48259 (12.2)
Previous history of HF (n = 973)55062 (11.3)0.094
Prior MI (n = 1034)34040 (11.8)0.423
COPD, bronchitis, emphysema (n = 1032)20238 (18.8)0.005
Hypertension (n = 1038)63483 (13.1)0.918
Diabetes (n = 1041)24441 (16.8)0.048
Current smoker (n = 1015)15630 (19.2)0.010
Symptoms and findings
    PND (n = 729)17730 (17.0)0.087
    DOE (n = 958)73595 (12.9)0.706
    Orthopnoea (n = 774)35352 (14.7)0.386
    Leg oedema (n = 900)47564 (13.5)0.814
    Pulmonary rales (n = 928)54261 (11.3)0.113
    S3 gallop (n = 874)373 (8.1)0.613
    JVD (n = 809)25838 (14.7)0.276
    Atrial fibrillation (n = 888)24929 (11.7)0.338