Table 3

Relative risk of negligent adverse event for a specific medical condition becoming a claim

Disease or injury categoryError (indefensible)Office visits to primary care for this conditionRelative risk
NoProportion of all error claims*Weighted office visitsProportion of all office visits**Proportion of error claims/proportion office visits
*Denominated by 5921 error claims.
**Denominated by 5 189 903 572 office visits for all conditions (weighted), 1980–1999.
A relative risk of >1 means that it appears in error related claims relatively more often than patient office visits; a relative risk of <1 means that it appears in error related claims relatively less often than patient office visits; a relative risk of 1 means that error related claims and office visits are the same.
Acute myocardial infarction2690.04543232488930.00062600372.57
Lung cancer1660.02803635808120.00068995740.63
Breast cancer1470.02482767809490.00130656619.00
Colon cancer1450.02448933461390.0006447437.98
Brain damaged infant1150.0194221029151.98298E-05979.45
Pulmonary embolism790.01334219380230.00037342235.73
Symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis710.01199181720130.0015745987.62