Table 3

Linear regression models using four blocks with baseline data (1997) to predict PEQD (internist and DNS scale) and overall satisfaction with diabetes care at follow up (1998)

PEQD-InternistPEQD-DNSSatisfaction with diabetes care (1998)
βSemi-partial rR2 changeβSemi-partial rR2 changeβSemi-partial rR2 change
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
ISatisfaction with diabetes care (1997) 0.23*0.2011% 0.31*0.278% 0.43*** 0.3822%
IIHbA1c 0.160.16 0.080.08−0.01−0.01
Frequency of severe hypoglycaemia−0.06−0.06−0.03−0.03 0.040.04
Number of complications of diabetes−0.19*−0.197%−0.22−0.224%−0.22*−0.216%
IIINegative wellbeing−0.17−0.13−0.15−0.11−0.10−0.08
Energy 0.000.00−0.09−0.06 0.190.13
Positive wellbeing−0.07−0.053% 0.01−0.012%−0.15−0.113%
IVPAID: Emotional problems 0.290.15 0.74**0.40 0.010.01
PAID: Treatment problems−0.32*−0.23−0.18−0.13−0.09−0.07
PAID: Food problems−0.04−0.03−0.08−0.06 0.020.02
PAID: Social support problems 0.040.03−0.19−0.14 0.150.11
HFS: Worries about hypoglycaemia−0.29*−0.2411%−0.28−0.2418% 0.000.002%
R 2 32%32%33%