Table 2

Prescribing errors according to stage of patient stay, expressed as percentages of the number of medication orders of that type

Stage of patient stayNo of medication ordersSerious errorsOther errorsTotal errors
Inpatient medication orders written on admission11485 28 (0.3%)119 (1.0%)147 (1.3%)
Inpatient medication orders written during remainder of patient stay15756 83 (0.5%)198 (1.3%)281 (1.8%)
Medication orders rewritten onto new inpatient drug charts3620 13 (0.4%) 23 (0.6%) 36 (1.0%)
Medication orders for discharge medication5307 17 (0.3%) 52 (1.0%) 69 (1.3%)
Unknown0 1 4 5
Total36168142 (0.4%)396 (1.1%)538 (1.5%)