Table 1

Systematic reviews of effectiveness of laxatives in adult patients

AuthorInclusion criteria Main results
NHS HTA review2RCTs in any language were included if all participants were 55 years or older, and were treated for chronic constipation with any oral laxativeLaxatives improve bowel movement frequency, consistency and symptoms in older adults. There is little evidence of differences in effectiveness between laxatives, and no good research evidence to support current NHS trends towards prescribing the more expensive stimulant laxatives
Tramonte et al3English language RCTs of laxative or fibre therapies in constipated adults (all ages)Laxatives and fibre increased frequency by overall weighted mean of 1.4 (95% CI 1.1 to 1.8) bowel movements per week, decreased abdominal pain and improved consistency. No clear evidence found as to superiority of various treatments