Table 4

Teamwork scores by nurse variables

Score on teamwork scale
Low(≤2.5>Medium (2.6–3.25)High (>3.25)Total
Job satisfaction
On the whole, how satisfied are you with your present job?
    Satisfied38%63%81%63% (n=2947)
    Dissatisfied62%37%19%37% (n=1723)
Pearson κ2 = 769, df = 6, sig = 0.000
Satisfaction with being a nurse
Independent of your present job, how satisfied are you with being a nurse?
    Satisfied52%59%73%61% (n=2842)
    Dissatisfied48%41%27%39% (n=1828)
Pearson κs = 157, df = 6, sig = 0.000
Intention to leave
Do you plan to leave your present nursing position?
    Yes within the next year53%40%27%39% (n=1821)
    No plans within the next year47%60%73%61% (n=2823)
Pearson κ2 = 151, df = 4, sig = 0.000
Supported if “whistle blown”
How confident are you that you will receive adequate support when you report situations where you are not able to meet professional standards of patient care?
    Very to somewhat confident53%78%90%76% (n=3507)
    Not at all confident47%22%10%24% (n=1085)
Pearson κ2 = 719, df = 6, sig = 0.000
Mean emotional burnout score (high scores indicate greater burnout)28.722.818.8