Table 4

Patient safety indicators of the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality49

Indicator topicEmpirical average*Drawback
*Per 1000 population at risk; represents the average performance for a nationwide sample of hospitals. Obtained from AHRQ analysis using the 2000 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) State Inpatient Database (SID) for 29 states. Risk adjusted for age, sex, diagnosis related group (DRG), and comorbidity categories.
Complications of anesthesia0.55Definition varies; underreporting; unspecific denominator; unknown validity
Death in low mortality DRGs0.66Mixed severity; no published evidence of “explicit process” and “staffing” construct validity
Decubitus ulcer21.5Mixed severity; case mix bias; underreporting; conflicting validity evidence
Failure to rescue174.24May be unpreventable; mixed severity; perverse influence
Foreign body left during procedure0.09Non-specific denominator; rare; needs stratification
Iatrogenic pneumothorax0.67Non-specific denominator; unknown validity
Selected infections due to medical care1.99Perverse influence; underreporting
Postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma2.06Case mix bias; non-specific denominator; needs stratification
Postoperative hip fracture0.80Case mix bias; non-specific denominator
Postoperative physiological and metabolic derangement0.89Definition may vary; no published construct validity evidence
Postoperative pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis9.19Needs stratification; may be underreported
Postoperative respiratory failure3.59Case mix bias; event may be unavoidable
Postoperative sepsis10.91Definition may vary; perverse effects; unclear construct validity
Postoperative wound dehiscence1.93Case mix bias; unclear construct validity evidence
Accidental puncture or laceration3.29Underreporting; may be unpreventable
Transfusion reaction0.004Rare; needs stratification; unknown validity
Birth trauma (injury to neonate)6.67Definition may vary; mixed severity; unclear construct validity
Obstetric trauma (Cesarean delivery)5.93Case mix bias; may be unpreventable; unclear construct validity
Obstetric trauma (vaginal delivery with instrument)244.08Case mix bias; may be unpreventable; unclear construct validity
Obstetric trauma (vaginal delivery without instrument)86.60Case mix bias; may be unpreventable; unclear construct validity