Table 4

 Clinical strategies documented for the management of embolism

Clinical strategyNumber (n = 38)*%
*Combinations of clinical strategies were used in most cases.
†Inspired oxygen fraction.
‡Intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
§Adrenaline in three cases, ephedrine in two, and atropine, calcium, dopamine, metaraminol, and an unspecified drug in one case each.
¶Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (includes one report of internal cardiac compression).
**DC cardioversion; bilateral carotid compression; alveolar arterial oxygen gradient measurement; call for help.
Change FIO2† to 1.02155
Communicate with surgeon1232
Change to manual IPPV‡1129
Control the source of air1129
Administer drugs§1026
Head down posture924
Increase IV fluids821
Turn off inhalation agents718
Flood surgical field513
Aspirate gas via line513
Commence CPR¶411