Table 5

 GPs’ views on their need for further training

Do you think you need any further training to make best use of …?% responses
YesNoNot sure
Hazard alerts for drug interactions and/or contraindications (n = 368)32.358.29.5
Recording drug allergies on the practice computer (so that an alert will be generated if there are future attempts at prescribing) (n = 369)30.965.33.8
Alerts to encourage safe repeat prescribing, e.g. patients being beyond their review date,or patients apparently underusing or overusing their medication (n = 366)27.364.58.2
How to use the practice computer to develop effective systems for recalling patients who need blood test monitoring (n = 372)70.425.04.6
How to use the practice computer for recording intended referrals so that patients can be identified if a referral has not been made within a certain period of time (n = 361)73.721.64.7
How to use the practice computer to do searches that allow you to run reports on patients who may have received potentially hazardous drug combinations and/or contraindicated drugs (n = 363)62.328.98.8
In laboratory linked practices, ensuring that all results are dealt with safely (n = 326)55.538.75.8