Table 2

 Healthcare cultural resources

Desired cultural elementsExisting cultural strengths
Informed—each healthcare contributor has current knowledge of safety factorsScientific inquiry—healthcare practice is more effective when based on evidence
Reporting—everyone is able to speak up about problems and surprisesSelf-criticism—we learn faster by attending to every detail of our performance
Just—everyone feels fairly treated by everyone else, for example not unfairly blamedResponsibility—the individual is responsible for all aspects of patient care
Learning—there is more to know, so we are always learning, even from failureTraining—we learn by repeated practice and feedback from experienced mentors
Teamwork—health care demands teamwork from complementary professionalsCaring—health care is a helping profession that focuses on people’s wellbeing
Quality—we measure our individual and collective performance in order to improveExcellence—we want to be the best at what we do, and be recognised for it
Dedication—excellence demands long hours and selfless focus on the work