Table 5

 Administering error results summary

CitationNumerator and numerator descriptionDenominator and denominator description
ADE, adverse drug event; DT, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine; DTP, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and cellular pertussis vaccine; MedMARx: United States Pharmacopeia database designed to reduce medication errors in hospitals.
France et al2413 Administering chemotherapy errors97 Electronically reported chemotherapy errors in 13 months
Sangtawesin et al3149 Administering errors: includes wrong time, omission error, wrong strength, unauthorised drug, wrong patient, extra dose, wrong route, wrong dosage form32105 Admissions in 14 months
King et al33314 Administering errors416 Medication errors in 3 years
Fontan et al341077 Administering errors defined as any deviation between prescribed and administered drugs: includes extra/omitted dose, wrong route, wrong time and patient non-compliant 57 Extra dose errors 454 Dose omission errors17 Wrong dose errors 2 Wrong route errors 8 Patient non-compliant errors 539 Wrong time errors4589 Opportunities for administering errors: the sum of administered drugs and omitted drugs in 2 months
Derrough and Kitchin37161 Inadvertent administration of vaccine to children: includes out of schedule according to the national recommendations, error in reconstitution of vaccine or diluent used, vaccine given at inappropriate age, inappropriate interval between vaccines, wrong vaccine (eg DTP for DT), expired vaccine, vaccine contraindicated. From pharmaceutical company telephone-based vaccine information service302 Inadvertent vaccine administrations (all age groups) in 1 year
Frey et al38200 Administering errors275 Error reports in 2001
Kozer et al3959 Administering errors1532 Charts reviewed in 12 randomly selected days in summer
Kaushal et al4278 Nurse administering medication errors 5 Nurse administering potential ADEs*: defined as errors with significant potential for injuring patient10 788 Orders, 1120 admissions and 3932 patient days in 6 weeks
Li et al4487 Incorrect paracetamol doses at home 66 Paracetamol underdoses at home 21 Paracetamol overdoses at home 6 Paracetamol doses given more frequently than 4 hours at home140 Patients who received home administrations of paracetamol in past 24 hours, recorded over 3 months
19 Incorrect ibuprofen doses at home 9 Ibuprofen underdoses at home 10 Ibuprofen overdoses at home 28 Ibuprofen doses given more frequently than 6 hours at home74 Patients who received home administrations of ibuprofen in past 24 hours, recorded over 3 months
Losek4634 Paracetamol doses outside standing orders of 10–15 mg/kg156 Emergency department patients receiving paracetamol in 1 week
Cowley et al481007 Administering errors submitted to MedMARx database1956 Paediatric errors with phase of error indicated submitted to MedMARx in 2 years
Feikema et al514789 Patients overimmunised for at least one vaccine22806 Paediatric patients in 1997
Goldman and Scolnik5226 Paracetamol overdoses at home: defined as >10–15 mg/kg 87 Paracetamol underdoses at home: defined as<10–15 mg/kg213 Patients who received home administrations of paracetamol recorded over 3 months
McErlean et al5353 Incorrect doses of antipyretic drug at home compared with recommended dose118 Patients who received home administration of antipyretic drugs