Table 2 Differences in the likelihood of reporting (taking the total of “always” and “>50 chance of” reporting) and the reasons for not reporting (taking the number of responses in the “agree” and “strongly agree” category) using confidence intervals
HarmNo harmNear miss
G&S vs allergyz = −17.47z = −11.26z = −5.66
G&S vs fallz = −15.33z = −12.27z = −3.21
p<0.0001*p<0.0001*p = 0.0006*
Allergy vs fallz = −19.74z = −11.03z = −2.78
p<0.0001*p<0.0001*p = 0.0027
  • After Bonferroni adjustment significance: p<0.001.

  • G&S, group and save.