Table 2

Results of factor analysis using principal-components analysis on 21 items (N=250; all factor loadings ≥0.4 shown)

Factor loadings from rotated component matrix
DomainCronbach alphaItemFactor 1Factor 2Factor 3
Progress0.95I found it easy to get the service I wanted*−0.70
I had to push to get the help I needed0.660.41
I moved through the system smoothly−0.84
It took too long to get the care needed0.79
I felt that no one took responsibility and sorted out my problem0.76
I saw the right people−0.68
I felt I was given the wrong advice0.620.44
My problem was sorted out*−0.68
Services did not seem to talk to each other0.59
My concerns were taken seriously by everyone−0.75
I was made to feel like I was wasting everyone's time0.69
The system did not work well this time*0.77
At each stage, I was confident in the advice services gave me−0.73
Entry0.70I did not know which service to go to about this problem0.79
I felt that the first service I tried was the right one to help me−0.73
I felt sometimes I had ended up in the wrong place0.580.51
Patient convenience0.75Travelling to the services I needed was easy0.60
I had to repeat myself too many times0.54−0.45
Services had the information they needed about me−0.450.51
I was told how long I'd have to wait0.82
Services understood that I had responsibilities, like my need to look after my family−0.470.48
  • * Items removed because they were correlated with other items.