Table 4

Percentage of patients requesting a second consultation because of complications or unexpected effects in the course of the prescribed treatment, according to the mean duration of the consultation

Patient reported unexpected effectsPatient did not report unexpected effectsPatient reported unexpected effectsPatient did not report unexpected effects
N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)
<10 min*529 (21.6)1924 (78.4)249 (19.2)1051 (80.8)
11–20 min812 (16.4)4137 (83.6)460 (12.8)3135 (87.2)
>20 min236 (15.2)1315 (84.8)158 (11.0)1276 (89.0)
Insufficient consultation time355 (35.4)647 (64.6)168 (35.7)303 (64.3)
Sufficient time1222 (15.4)6729 (84.6)699 (11.9)5159 (88.1)
Same doctor usually seen1056 (14.8)6099 (85.2)557 (10.9)4541 (89.1)
Doctor frequently changed521 (29.0)1277 (71.0)310 (25.2)921 (74.8)
Total patients1577 (17.6)7376 (82.4)867 (13.7)5462 (86.3)
  • Data as a percentage represent the frequency of patients reporting having needed to return to the health centre because something went wrong with the treatment. All p<0.001.

  • * Mean duration of the consultation.

  • Patient perception of whether or not consultation time was sufficient.