Table 3

Summary of hospital characteristics for in-hospital falls (IHF) and fall-related fractures (FRFx) between 1 July 1998 and 30 June 2008

CharacteristicTotal episodes N=3344588IHF episodes N=21250Row percentageFRFx episodes N=3732Row percentage (of IHF)
Emergency admission175177852.41139753.60.7165944.514.6
Care type
 Acute and newborn291398887.11378764.90.50195352.314.2
 Mental and ETOH1457524.47913.70.52185.827.6*
 Interim care§98650.31690.81.7240.614.2
 Interim care—nursing§ home type147990.46142.94.21273.420.7
Admission source
Teaching hospital194154158.51134953.70.6176947.515.6
Previous separation with fall59969217.9651830.71.1*125033.519.3
  • * Higher prevalence of IHF or FRFx.

  • Lower prevalence of IHF or FRFx associated with variable, assessed using uni-variate statistical analysis, p≤0.001.

  • Acute and Newborn care type includes all acute hospital admissions other than those specified. For this analysis, only persons 18 years or more are included in the analysis.

  • § There are two types of interim care; those where persons have already been designed nursing home type (35 days of continuous care, assessed by aged care assessment service) and those without such a designation.

  • Either a previous presenting fall or an in-hospital fall hospital episode. EOH, alcohol related conditions.