Table 1

Improvement steps at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Initial interventionSubsequent PDSA cycles
Multidisciplinary team▸ Examined and mapped workflow
▸ Evaluated baseline timeliness
▸ Created written handoff tool
▸ Revised tool for format and usefulness
▸ Monitored measures and adherence
▸ Revised tool for usability based on feedback
▸ Created electronic version of tool
Patients and families▸ Voiced initial concerns
▸ Participated in focus groups on patient experience, concerns and barriers
▸ Provided general feedback
▸ Participated in focus groups on new process
CF centre staff▸ Trialled tool
▸ Identified barriers
▸ Attended educational sessions
▸ Actively initiated tool usage
▸ Created and regularly updated ‘CF Admission Board’ with pending admits
▸ Reviewed improvements at weekly meetings
Pulmonary physicians▸ Participated in focus groups on workflow
▸ Attended educational sessions
▸ Participated in focus groups on new processes
▸ Followed regular updates on improvement
▸ Attended educational sessions on new interventions
Fellows▸ Participated in focus group on QI and proposed processes
▸ Attended educational session
▸ Participated in focus group on new process
▸ Attended educational session on new improvements
Residents▸ Participated in focus groups
▸ Attended educational sessions
▸ Actively used the tool
▸ Attended ongoing educational sessions, for new teams and new improvements
▸ Participated in focus groups on new process
Nurses▸ Attended educational sessions▸ Participated in focus groups on resultant process
  • CF, cystic fibrosis; QI, quality improvement; PDSA, plan-do-study-act.