Table 3

Scores on PMOS scales by ward (list-wise deletion)

Total n24302334232322188610221
PMOS positive index
Communication and team work
Organisation and care planning
Access to resources
Ward type & layout
Information flow
Roles & responsibilities
Staff training
Equipment (design and functioning)
Retained item 8. My treatment/procedure/operation did not always happen on time (reversed)
Retained item: 26. Too few staff meant that things DIDN'T get done on time. for example, attending to call bells, removing bodily fluids, toileting patients, feeding patients (reversed)
  • Mean scores with the same superscript letter are significantly different from each other, p≤0.05, mean scores with the same superscript letter in italics just miss statistical significance at p<0.08. See table 1 for description of wards.

  • Med: Medical ward; Surg: Surgical ward; Paed: Paediatric ward; Mat: Maternity ward; Admi: admissions unit.

  • PMOS, Patient measure of safety.