Table 1

Intrarater consistency between holistic scale score ratings for phases of care and for overall care

Review staff type (number of review staff)Number of reviews*Mean overall rating of quality of care (SD)Mean rating of phase quality of care (based on the mean score across three phases of care)Pearson correlation between mean rating across three phases of care and overall rating
Doctors (16)5937.8 (1.8)4.7 (0.8)0.77
Nurses/other clinical (14)5297.0 (2.0)4.4 (1.0)0.81
Non-clinical audit (9)2967.9 (1.3)4.6 (0.8)0.71
  • * Numbers of reviews used in tables 1 and 2 differ slightly because of small amounts of missing data because some patients died during the admission and some phases of care were therefore not rated.

  • Overall quality of care was rated on a 1 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (very best care) scale.

  • Quality of care in each of the three phases: (admission/investigations, initial management and predischarge) was rated on a 1 (unsatisfactory) to 6 (very best care) scale.