Table 3

Trigger rules employed in paediatric adverse drug event (ADE) computerised surveillance

Rule codeRule nameRule type*Total trigger rule alertsTotal ADEsPositive predictive values (%) (95% CI)ADEs per 1000 patient days
(95% CI)
New paediatric-specific trigger rules (patients <18 years old)
P1Calcium ionised >1.5 mg/dlLab only44000
P2Chloride <80 mEq/lLab only19000
P3Magnesium >3.5 mEq/lLab only26000
P4Potassium >7 mEq/lLab only32000
P5Sodium <120 mEq/lLab only9000
P6Sodium >157 mEq/lLab only25000
P7Total bilirubin >20 mg/dlLab only10000
P8Triglycerides >500 mg/dlLab only37000
P9Insulin and BG <50 mg/dlDrug-lab231460.8 (40.7 to 77.9)1.51 (0.72 to 2.23)
Total225146.2 (3.0 to 11.9)1.51 (0.72 to 2.23)
Existing adult trigger rules
A1Dextrose 50% and BG <50 mg/dlDrug-lab7457.1 (25.0 to 84.3)0.43 (0.01 to 0.44)
A2Polystyrene useDrug only5000
  • * Example trigger description: lab only: fire if a paediatric patient has magnesium >3.5 mEq/l in the previous 24 h. Drug-lab: fire if a paediatric patient is on insulin and has a blood glucose (BG) <50 mg/dl in the previous 24 h.

  • All four events were discovered by the P9 rule as well.