Table 1

Mean scores (95% CI) and rotated factor loading* with Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure for each of the 23 items of the EUROPEP questionnaire by patients

Questions (What is your opinion of your general practitioner/general practice over the last 12 month with respect to…)Mean (95% CI)Factor I: evaluation of the physicianFactor II: evaluation of the organisation of the practice/ teamKaiser–Meyer–Olkin
1. Making you feel you had time during consultation?4.48 (4.48 to 4.49)0.7240.974
2. Interest in your personal situation?4.50 (4.49 to 4.51)0.7700.971
3. Making it easy for you to tell him or her about your problem?4.45 (4.45 to 4.46)0.7430.981
4. Involving you in decisions about your medical care?4.37 (4.37 to 4.38)0.7480.988
5. Listening to you?4.54 (4.53 to 4.55)0.7670.979
6. Keeping your records and data confidential?4.60 (4.59 to 4.61)0.5670.989
7. Quick relief of your symptoms?4.22 (4.21 to 4.22)0.6330.974
8. Helping you to feel well so that you can perform your normal daily activities?4.31 (4.30 to 4.32)0.6530.975
9. Thoroughness?4.48 (4.47 to 4.48)0.7570.979
10. Physical examination of you?4.42 (4.41 to 4.42)0.7280.982
11. Offering you services for preventing diseases (screening, health checks, immunisations)?4.27 (4.26 to 4.28)0.6410.984
12. Explaining the purpose of tests and treatments?4.37 (4.36 to 4.37)0.7520.976
13. Telling you what you wanted to know about your symptoms and/ or illness?4.39 (4.39 to 4.40)0.7550.980
14. Helping you deal with emotional problems related to your health status?4.29 (4.28 to 4.30)0.7680.985
15. Helping you understand of following his or her advice?4.32 (4.32 to 4.33)0.7250.986
16. Knowing what s/he had done or told you during earlier contacts?4.28 (4.27 to 4.28)0.7070.989
17. Preparing you for what to expect from specialist or hospital care?4.25 (4.24 to 4.26)0.7080.985
18. The helpfulness of the staff (other than doctor)?4.56 (4.55 to 4.57)0.6480.975
19. Getting an appointment to suit you?4.46 (4.45 to 4.46)0.8040.948
20. Getting through to the practice on telephone?4.50 (4.49 to 4.50)0.7570.956
21. Being able to speak to the general practitioner on the telephone?4.18 (4.17 to 4.19)0.6940.971
22. Waiting time in the waiting room?3.73 (3.73 to 3.74)0.7240.961
23. Providing quick services for urgent health problems?4.51 (4.50 to 4.52)0.4700.6100.986
  • * Using a exploratory factor analysis; Extraction method: Principal axis factoring; Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalisation; Rotation converged in three iterations. Only loadings greater than 0.4 are shown.

  • Possible score for each item between 1 (poor) and 5 (excellent).