Table 1

Summary of medication safety risks analysed

IndicatorMedication safety risksCollection method
Allergy documentationThe proportion of patients whose allergy documentation was incomplete (including symptoms documented, signed and dated)Inspecting patient drug chart
Drug omissionsThe proportion of patients who experienced a drug omission in the 24 h prior to data collection (excluding appropriate omissions, eg, patients refusing the dose)Inspecting patient drug chart
ID wristbandsThe proportion of patients who either had an ID wristband that did not reflect their allergy status or who had no ID wristband at allComparing allergy documentation on drug chart with colour of patient wristband
Patient's own drugs (POD) locker contentsThe proportion of patients whose POD lockers contained either unlabelled drugs or drugs labelled for another patient (in Hospital B drugs that were not currently prescribed for patient were categorised as inappropriate)Comparing patient name on drug chart with name appearing on drugs in POD locker; in Hospital B, also comparing with current patient drug chart