Table 4

Multivariate stepwise regression model (backwards conditional) showing associations between organisational characteristics and nurse-assessed outcomes and estimated survival probabilities

 Overall survivalSurvival after AMISurvival after strokeQuality of nursingPatient safety
Regression coefficient (p value)
Patient safety management–0.09 (0.048)*0.36 (0.011)*
Staffing adequacy0.09 (0.002)**0.08 (0.079)0.44 (<0.001)**0.24 (0.005)**
Nurse–physician relationship
Quality system
Local university hospital†1.10 (0.346)
Regional university hospital†4.05 (<0.001)**
Adjusted R20.300.450.570.79
  • *Significant at the 0.01% level.

  • **Significant at the 0.05% level.

  • †Reference value is all other hospitals.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction.