Table 2

Logistic regression models predicting complete bundle adoption (N=73)

Model A: QI methodsModel B: hospital engagementModel C: QI methods and hospital engagementModel D: QI methods and type of hospital engagement
OR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI
Adherence to Project JOINTS QI methods2.53(1.18 to5.43)*2.05(0.91 to 4.62)†2.01(0.88 to 4.62)†
Hospital engagement1.45(1.09 to 1.93)*1.32(0.97 to 1.81)†
 Interactive campaign activities1.20(0.62 to 2.31)
 Campaign materials and tools1.40(0.92 to 2.14)
Wald χ222.28*20.15†26.98*26.20*
McFadden's R20.25340.24410.28660.2878
  • Results from logistic regression with robust standard errors. All models controlled for state, rural/urban location, hospital size, surgery volume, previous Institute for Healthcare Improvement experience, previous surgical site infection experience and number of prior components.

  • The Wald χ2 statistic is used to determine whether at least one of the predictors’ regression coefficient is not equal to zero.

  • R2 indicates the proportion of the variation in the outcome variable due to the independent variables included.

  • *significant at p≤0.05; †significant at p≤0.1.

  • JOINTS, Joining Organizations IN Tackling SSIs; SSI, surgical site infection; QI, quality improvement.