Table 1

Descriptive statistics of study population, by route of admission

A and E admission (n=1 902 864)GP admission (n=419 248)
Age (years)69 (50 to 81)68 (48 to 80)
Female (%)51.555.1
Ethnicity (%):
 Not known4.55.7
Index of Multiple Deprivation rank*43 (20 to 69)49 (25 to 73)
Charlson index of comorbidity3 (0 to 11)3 (0 to 10)
Urban area of residence (%)83.975.8
Diagnosis risk of GP admission†18.3 (13.3 to 22.8)21.7 (15.8 to 25.9)
Access to general practice‡91.4 (87.3 to 94.5)92.4 (88.8 to 95.2)
Access to general practice (x) (%)‡
x<80 (least accessible)5.02.7
95≤x≤100 (most accessible)21.627.0
  • Region of residence (percentage of total): East Midlands (8.5%), East of England (10.4%), London (13.0%), North East (5.8%), North West (15.5%), South East (14.7%), South West (9.9%), West Midlands (11.0%), Yorkshire and the Humber (11.3%).

  • Statistics given as median (IQR) for continuous variables and as column percentages for categorical variables.

  • *Centiles of rank; greater centiles correspond to lower Index of Multiple Deprivation scores (less deprivation).

  • †The percentage of admissions for a given Clinical Classification Software group that were via a GP.

  • ‡Percentage of GP Patient Survey respondents registered to the patient's general practice who were able to obtain a general practice appointment on their last attempt.

  • A and E, accident and emergency; GP, general practitioner.