Table 1

Characteristics of participating EDs

CharacteristicsImproved sitesNon-improved sites
Number of patient charts43194498
Number of EDs1113
Number of teaching EDs21
Number of cases, mean (SD)
 AMI118 (14)104 (0)
 Asthma123 (11)106 (0)
 Adult fracture92 (1)78 (0)
 Paediatric fracture60 (17)58 (0)
Fiscal year 2008 ED length of stay (h)*, median (IQR)4.2 (2.4–7.2)3.6 (2.1–6.0)
Fiscal year 2008 time to physician assessment (h)*†, median (IQR)1.8 (0.8–3.3)1.5 (0.8–2.7)
Average annual ED volume, mean (SD)53 657 (16 160)53 958 (11 149)
Relative change in median ED length of stay (%)*, range−26% to −15%0% to 47%
Absolute change in median ED length of stay (min)*, range−63 to −370 to 91
  • *Calculated for all ED patients.

  • †Calculated from triage or registration (whichever was earlier) to initial physician assessment.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ED, emergency department.