Table 1

Publicly reported diagnostic process or outcome cancer profile indicators during the study years (see also online supplementary appendices 1 and 3)

Indicator nameDescription (proportion or rate)
Process indicators
 Breast screening coveragePer cent of the eligible practice population (women aged 50–69) screened in the last 36 months
 Cervical screening coveragePer cent of the eligible practice population (women aged 25–64) screened in the target period
 Bowel screening coveragePer cent of the eligible practice population (men and women aged 60–69) screened in the last 36 months
 Sigmoidoscopy rate*Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 Colonoscopy rate*Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy rate*Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 TWW referral rate†Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 TWW referral rate (colorectal)Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 TWW referral rate (lung)Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 TWW referral rate (skin)Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
 TWW referral rate (breast)Rate per 100 000 registered patients per year
Outcome indicators
 TWW conversion ratePer cent of TWW referrals resulting in a diagnosis of cancer
 TWW detection ratePer cent of new cancer cases treated which resulted from a TWW referral
 Emergency route to diagnosiPer cent of new cancer cases diagnosed via an emergency hospital admission
 Referred route to diagnosiPer cent of new cancer cases diagnosed following outpatient referral to hospital
 Other route to diagnosisPer cent of new cancer cases diagnosed through another route (eg, via screening)
  • *For these three (endoscopy) indicators some practices had suppressed data (if count <6), and for those we were able to use numerators imputed with the average among supressed practices.

  • †The publicly reported data also include an indirectly age-sex standardised rate not used here.

  • TWW, two-week wait.