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Introducing quality improvement to pre-qualification nursing students: evaluation of an experiential programme
  1. J M Kyrkjebø, research fellow1,
  2. T A Hanssen, research fellow2,
  3. B Ø Haugland, assistant professor3
  1. 1University of Bergen, Faculty of Psychology, N-5020 Bergen, Norway
  2. 2Medical Department, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
  3. 3Betanien College of Nursing, Bergen, Norway
  1. Ms J M Kyrkjebø jane.kyrkjebo{at}


Objective—To evaluate a programme introducing quality improvement (QI) in nursing education.

Settings—Betanien College of Nursing and clinical practices at hospitals in Bergen.

Subjects—52 nursing students from a second year class working in 16 groups undertaking hospital based practical studies.

Intervention—Second year nursing students were assigned to follow a patient during a day's work and to record the processes of care from the patient's perspective. Data collected included waiting times, patient information, people in contact with the patient, investigations, and procedures performed. Students also identified aspects of practice that could be improved. They then attended a 2 day theoretical introductory course in QI and each group produced flow charts, cause/effect diagrams, and outlines of quality goals using structure, process, and results criteria to describe potential improvements. Each group produced a report of their findings.

Main measures—A two-part questionnaire completed by the students before and after the intervention was used to assess the development of their understanding of QI. Evidence that students could apply a range of QI tools and techniques in the specific setting of a hospital ward was assessed from the final reports of their clinical attachments.

Results—The students had a significantly better knowledge of QI after the introductory course and group work than before it, and most students indicated that they considered the topic highly relevant for their later career. They reported that it was quite useful to observe one patient throughout one shift and, to some extent, they learned something new. Students found the introductory course and working in groups useful, and most thought the programme should be included in the curriculum for other nursing students. They considered it important for nurses in general to have knowledge about QI, indicating a high perceived relevance of the course. All 16 groups delivered reports of their group work which were approved by the tutors. Through the reports, all the groups demonstrated knowledge and ability to apply tools and techniques in their practical studies in a hospital setting.

Conclusions—The introduction of a short experience-based programme into the practical studies of second year nursing students enabled them to learn about the concepts, tools, and techniques of continuous QI in a way that should provide them with the skills to undertake it as part of routine practice.

  • learning
  • quality improvement
  • nursing education
  • intervention

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