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Alzheimer's Disease: Policy and Practice across Europe
  1. J Herzberg
  1. Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist and Hon Senior Lecturer, East London and City Mental Health NHS Trust, The Royal London Hospital (Mile End), London E1 4DG, UK;

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    Edited by M Warner, S Furnish, M Longley, B Lawlor. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 2002, £24.95, pp 216 (paperback). ISBN 1 85775 416 6

    I agreed to review this book with rather mixed feelings, being eurosceptic but a firm believer in high quality socialised health care. I was therefore pleased to find that I enjoyed reading it very much. Alzheimer's disease is currently of great topical interest as new treatments have been licensed and therefore detection of early cases is vital. In the UK there is also a new national service framework for older people.

    The editors set out to show that Alzheimer's …

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