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Identifying and training non-technical skills for teams in acute medicine
  1. R Flin1,
  2. N Maran2
  1. 1Industrial Psychology Research Centre, University of Aberdeen
  2. 2University of Edinburgh/Scottish Clinical Simulation Centre
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor R Flin
 Industrial Psychology Research Centre, University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Old Aberdeen AB24 2UB;


The aviation domain provides a better analogy for the ”temporary” teams that are found in acute medical specialities than industrial or military teamwork research based on established teams. Crew resource management (CRM) training, which emphasises portable skills (for whatever crew a pilot is rostered to on a given flight), has been recognised to have potential application in medicine, especially for teams in the operating theatre, intensive care unit, and emergency room. Drawing on research from aviation psychology that produced the behavioural marker system NOTECHS for rating European pilots’ non-technical skills for teamwork on the flightdeck, this paper outlines the Anaesthetists Non-Technical Skills behavioural rating system for anaesthetists working in operating theatre teams. This taxonomy was used as the design basis for a training course, Crisis Avoidance Resource Management for Anaesthetists used to develop these skills, based in an operating theatre simulator. Further developments of this training programme for teams in emergency medicine are outlined.

  • ALS, Advanced Life Support
  • ATLS, Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • ANTS, Anaesthetists Non-Technical Skills
  • CARMA, Crisis Avoidance and Resource Management for Anaesthetists
  • CRM, crew resource management
  • Skills
  • training
  • ALS, Advanced Life Support
  • ATLS, Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • ANTS, Anaesthetists Non-Technical Skills
  • CARMA, Crisis Avoidance and Resource Management for Anaesthetists
  • CRM, crew resource management
  • Skills
  • training

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