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Preventing drug related morbidity: a process for facilitating changes in practice
  1. C J Morris1,
  2. J A Cantrill1,
  3. A J Avery2,
  4. R L Howard3
  1. 1School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  2. 2Division of Primary Care, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
  3. 3Nottingham Primary Care Research Partnership, Nottingham, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor J A Cantrill
 Professor of Medicines, The Drug Usage and Pharmacy Practice Group, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK; judith.cantrill{at}


Aim: To describe how quantitative data obtained from applying a series of indicators for preventable drug related morbidity (PDRM) in the electronic patient record in English general practice can be used to facilitate changes aimed at helping to improve medicines management.

Design: A multidisciplinary discussion forum held at each practice facilitated by a clinical researcher.

Subjects and setting: Eight English general practices.

Outcome measures: Issues discussed at the multidisciplinary discussion forum and ideas generated by practices for tackling these issues. Progress made by practices after 1, 3, and 6 months.

Results: A number of clinical issues were raised by the practices and ideas for moving them forward were discussed. The issues that were easiest and most straightforward to deal with (for example, reviewing specific patient groups) were quickly addressed in most instances. Practices were less likely to have taken steps towards addressing issues at a systems level.

Conclusions: Data generated from applying PDRM indicators can be used to facilitate practice-wide discussion on medicines management. Different practices place different priority levels on the issues they wish to pursue. Individual practice “ownership” of these, together with having a central committed figure at the practice, is key to the success of the process.

  • PCT, primary care trust
  • PDRM, preventable drug related morbidity
  • drug related morbidity
  • general practice
  • quality indicators
  • PCT, primary care trust
  • PDRM, preventable drug related morbidity
  • drug related morbidity
  • general practice
  • quality indicators

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  • Competing interests: none.

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