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P239 Breaking New Ground To Close The Gaps Between Physcian’s Knowledge And Prcatice
  1. R Bhushan,
  2. D Gist
  1. American Academy of Dermatology, Schaumburg, USA


Background Effective dissemination of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (EBCPG) help clinicians practice evidence-based-medicine, close practice gaps, thus improving medical care.

Objectives To determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention to measure changes in practice/self reported performance improvement for the management and treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Methods EBCPG were leveraged and repurposed as an interactive guideline translational CME course to expand physicians’ knowledge base and improve clinician confidence and effectiveness in treating patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Participants were given i) an assessment questionnaire before and after the session to measure knowledge and competence, ii) guidelines application tools useful in the clinic. A follow-up assessment questionnaire was conducted one year later to assess if session and application tools were easy to translate in clinic.

Results Approximately 90% of the participants felt the session improved their knowledge, confidence and will have an impact on their practice. Over 60% of case vignettes based questions showed significant improvement compared to the pre assessments p < 0.05. A one-year follow up indicated that 63% of the participants had changed their practice after attending the session.

Discussion The session will optimise usability of EBCPG in physician’s daily practice and lead to improvement of patient quality of life and help in closing gaps in practice care.

Implications for Guideline Developers/Users EBCPG translational session with application tools is an effective method for implementing clinical guidelines and helps physicians practice evidence-based-medicine enhancing quality patient care.

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