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Background The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, will adopt the 2011 IOM revised definition of an evidence-based clinical practice guideline (CPG) and change its criteria for inclusion; thereby raising the bar CPGs must meet in order to be included. Systematic evidence review and benefits and harms of care options are the key changes.
Objectives/Goal At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to recognise the new aspects of the inclusion criteria; understand how the criteria will be applied; apply them to CPGs provided by instructors and estimate eligibility for inclusion; and apply this learning to their organisation’s readiness to submit new/updated guidelines to NGC.
Target Group, Suggested Audience Current and future CPG developers; CPG implementers and disseminators; researchers and clinicians.
Description of the Workshop and of the Methods used to Facilitate Interactions This workshop will discuss the revised NGC inclusion criteria and describe specific requirements around a systematic review underpinning the CPG as well as descriptions of benefits and harms. The workshop will include a didactic portion, an interactive exercise, and a take-away checklist. There will be ample question and answer opportunities. Instructors will distribute guidelines and materials and participants will determine eligibility for inclusion in NGC. A checklist will enable participants to understand the changes needed to ensure inclusion of their CPGs in NGC.