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138WS The US Institute Of Medicine (IOM) Criteria For Trustworthy Guidelines, The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) And You: A Workshop On NGC’s Revised Inclusion Criteria
  1. M Nix1,
  2. J Jue2,
  3. L Haskell2,
  4. S Cunningham 2,
  5. V Coates2
  1. 1Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville MD, USA
  2. 2ECRI Institute, Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA


Background The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, will adopt the 2011 IOM revised definition of an evidence-based clinical practice guideline (CPG) and change its criteria for inclusion; thereby raising the bar CPGs must meet in order to be included. Systematic evidence review and benefits and harms of care options are the key changes.

Objectives/Goal At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to recognise the new aspects of the inclusion criteria; understand how the criteria will be applied; apply them to CPGs provided by instructors and estimate eligibility for inclusion; and apply this learning to their organisation’s readiness to submit new/updated guidelines to NGC.

Target Group, Suggested Audience Current and future CPG developers; CPG implementers and disseminators; researchers and clinicians.

Description of the Workshop and of the Methods used to Facilitate Interactions This workshop will discuss the revised NGC inclusion criteria and describe specific requirements around a systematic review underpinning the CPG as well as descriptions of benefits and harms. The workshop will include a didactic portion, an interactive exercise, and a take-away checklist. There will be ample question and answer opportunities. Instructors will distribute guidelines and materials and participants will determine eligibility for inclusion in NGC. A checklist will enable participants to understand the changes needed to ensure inclusion of their CPGs in NGC.

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