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- communication
- hand-off
- patient-centred care
- qualitative research
- continuing education, continuing professional development
As authors, we were pleased to read the elaborate comments in the correspondence from Kringos et al 1 regarding our study, ‘Going the extra mile—cross-border patient handover in a European border region: qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ perspectives’.2 We were happy to read that we succeeded in articulating the need for attention to professionals’ role in cross-border healthcare, especially with regards to the identified challenges (information transfer, differences in task division and education, use of tools and protocols and cultural and language differences). Kringos and colleagues make some excellent points. We would like to elaborate on some of the comments, namely the argued overestimation of cross-border healthcare use, the limited attention for patients and the modesty of proposed actions.
Overestimation of cross-border health care use
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Contributors All (co)authors have made sufficient contributions to this letter.
Funding This study was funded by European Regional Development Fund (INTERREG V-A programme).
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.