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Delivering Quality in the NHS
  1. T A Sheldon
  1. University of York, Department of Health Sciences, York YO10 5DD, UK;

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    M Rawlins, P Littlejohns, Eds. Abingdon, Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press, 2004, pp 198. ISBN 1 85775 618 5

    After years of focusing on throughput and a narrow definition of efficiency, the National Health Service in England turned its attention to dealing with the poor and variable quality of care. A mechanism was established for delivering a coordinated effort to set standards (National Institute for Clinical Excellence; NICE) to monitor them, and an expectation that all staff would have a duty for quality (clinical governance). Although policy makers had not sufficiently thought through the new system before implementing it and several aspects (such as the performance assessment framework …

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