Diagnostic errors
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Misdiagnosed hypertension-induced pulmonary edema as pleural effusion | None |
Failed to diagnose cryptococcoma on roentgenogram | Death |
Possibly failed to diagnose AIDS adrenal insufficiency | Death |
Failed to diagnose small bowel obstruction in a patient with ascites | Death |
Missed physical findings because of concentration on abdomen | None |
Failed to diagnose gastrointestinal bleeding | Death |
Failed to place a nasogastric tube and to diagnose gastrointestinal bleeding | Stroke |
Did not check chest roentgenogram in a patient with pneumothorax | Delayed diagnosis |
Failed to recognize signs of cardiac disease in a patient with AIDS-related complex | Delayed treatment |
Misread electrocardiogram and treated a patient with verapamil | Hypotension |
Failed to note acidosis in a hypotensive patient after a procedure | None |
Failed to recognize tension pneumothorax at cardiac arrest | Death |
Failed to examine and diagnose pneumothorax in an intubated patient | Delayed therapy |
Failed to diagnose eclampsia | Death |
Misdiagnosed ovarian cyst as pelvic inflammatory disease | None |
Missed signs of sepsis in an elderly woman after an invasive procedure | None |
Failed to examine and diagnose fracture in a “crack” cocaine user | Delayed treatment |
Did not recognize respiratory acidosis | Death |
Failed to diagnose hypoxia in an agitated AIDS patient | Delayed therapy |
Did not examine and failed to diagnose cavernous sinus syndrome | Delayed diagnosis |
Failed to consider tension pneumothorax at cardiac arrest | Death |
Failure to diagnose sepsis in a lung cancer patient | Death |
Missed hemothorax on chest roentgenogram | Death |
Did not consider right ventricular infarct during cardiac arrest | Death |
Failure to notice neurological disease in an asthmatic outpatient | Delayed diagnosis |
Missed electrocardiogram changes in an elderly woman with back pain | Delayed care |
Failed to order arterial blood gas tests and to recognize diabetic ketoacidosis | Delayed treatment |
Failed to diagnose cholangitis and impending sepsis | Delayed treatment |
Presumed a diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in a patient with sepsis | Death |
Treated cardiac disease as sepsis and induced congestive heart failure | Death |
Did not recognize falling partial thromboplastin time as a sign of recurrent pulmonary embolism | Death |
Failed to collect sputum and to diagnose tuberculosis | Disseminated tuberculosis, death |
Misdiagnosed tubal pregnancy as ulcer disease | None |
Missed electrocardiogram changes and failed to diagnose acute myocardial infarction | None |
Failed to diagnose atypical vertebral aneurysm | None |
Failed to do lumbar puncture and to diagnose cryptococcal meningitis | Death |
Misinterpreted coagulation study | Overdose of sodium warfarin |
Failed to obtain correct chief complaint of headache before dialysis | Death |
Errors in evaluation and treatment
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Conservative treatment of an overdose of sodium warfarin | Hematoma |
Inadequate evaluation of status of gastrointestinal bleeding | Transfer to ICU |
Failed to administer nitroprusside in aortic dissection | Death |
Failed to perform anticoagulation in a patient with cardiomyopathy | Stroke |
Delayed antibiotic therapy in a patient with ascites | Death |
Delayed central line placement | Prolonged stay |
Slow response to a call to see a patient after a liver biopsy | Surgery |
Insufficient fluids administered to a patient with probable pancreatitis | Hypotension, transfer to ICU |
Failed to treat hypoglycemia in AIDS | Fatal seizure |
Did not evaluate decreased urine output in a patient receiving chemotherapy | Drug toxicity |
Delayed penicillin treatment of suspected meningococcus infection | None |
Delayed electrocardiogram in a patient with possible myocardial infarction | Transfer to ICU |
Did not consider thrombolytic therapy in a patient with acute myocardial infarction | Possible loss of myocardial function |
Failed to treat an episode of ventricular tachycardia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | None |
Failed to treat coronary artery disease in a patient with vasculitis | Death |
Misinterpreted admission arterial blood gas result in pneumonia | Death |
Delayed seeing a patient with acute congestive heart failure | None |
Failed to make a timely evaluation of hypotension in an AIDS patient | Death |
Removed Foley catheter too early from transplantation patient | None |
Induced renal failure and congestive heart failure during workup of a hypoglycemic seizure | Death |
Hesitated to perform a brain biopsy in an AIDS patient | Delayed treatment |
Incomplete débridement of a diabetic foot ulcer | Amputation |
Treated malignant hypertension on the ward instead of in the ICU | Stroke |
Scheduled a treadmill test for a patient before ruling out myocardial infarction | Risked extending infarct |
Errors in prescribing and dosing
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Prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for a patient with renal insufficiency | Worsened renal function |
Nearly gave an overdose of labetalol | None |
Prescribed a relative overdose of glyburide | Hypoglycemia |
Failed to decrease the verapamil dose for renal function | Fatal cardiac toxicity |
Wrote a prescription for an overdose of phenytoin | Hospitalized for toxicity |
Gave indomethacin to a dehydrated patient | Renal failure |
Failed to check the salsalate level | Renal failure, dialysis |
Gave an extra dose of sustained-release verapamil for hypertension | Heart block, pacemaker |
Gave esmolol to a patient after a myocardial infarction | Persistent bradycardia, extended infarct |
Wrote a prescription for 10 times the correct dose of intravenous heparin | None |
Gave a cancer patient an overdose of narcotics | Respiratory failure, transfer to ICU |
Did not read syringe and gave 50 times the correct dose of levothyroxine | None |
Failed to notice an elevated creatine kinase value in a patient receiving lovastatin | Myalgia |
Gave an overdose of intrathecal amphotericin | None |
Inadvertently discharged a patient without nitroglycerin | Readmission |
Forgot to order potassium replacement for a patient after a myocardial infarction | Death |
Ordered potassium via bolus instead of slow infusion | None |
Failed to notice an intern’s incorrect insulin order | Hypoglycemia |
Failed to notice an intern’s incorrect order for verapamil | Death |
Ordered phenothiazine for haloperidol overdose | None |
Treated 4-year-old with tetracycline for a dog bite | Possible tooth staining |
Prescribed verapamil to a patient receiving beta-blocker therapy | None |
Inadvertently stopped asthma medication at the time of hospitalization | Respiratory failure, transfer to ICU |
Increased the rate of insulin drip unaware that the concentration had been changed | Hypoglycemia |
Treated hypokalemia with oral replacement | Fatal arrhythmia |
Insufficient potassium replacement in a patient receiving amphotericin | Death |
Incorrect dosing interval for antibiotic | None |
Prescribed lorazepam to a patient with respiratory muscle weakness | Death |
Wrote a prescription for an overdose of gentamicin (not given) | None |
Ordered 10 times the correct dose of levothyroxine | Prolonged hospital stay |
Exacerbated ICU psychosis with lorazepam | Myocardial infarction |
Gave captopril to a patient with a documented allergy | None |
Gave ampicillin to a patient allergic to penicillin | Rash |
Procedural complications
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Failed to heed a suggestion to reposition central venous catheter | Endocarditis |
Removed pulmonary artery catheter with the balloon inflated | Small amount of bleeding |
Pneumothorax from central line | Chest tube placed |
Unable to place central line | Missed antibiotic doses |
Blood return during lumbar puncture | None |
Pneumothorax during thoracentesis | Chest tube placed |
Perforated bowel during paracentesis | Change in therapy |
Lacerated liver during liver biopsy | Death |
Perforated subclavian vein during central line placement | Death |
Induced hemoptysis during thoracentesis | None |
Placed central line without a follow-up roentgenogram | Fatal tension pneumothorax |
Perforated ventricle during pacemaker placement | Death |
Faulty communication
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Failed to note incorrect arterial blood gas reading by intern | Premature discharge |
Failed to follow the attending physician’s protocol for gastrointestinal bleeding | None |
Failed to obtain consent before central line placement | No informed consent for a procedure that had a fatal complication |
Accepted misinformation that the patient was not to be resuscitated | Death |
Failed to document “do not resuscitate” order in chart and failed to inform spouse | Resuscitation was performed against the patient’s wishes |
Did not assert authority in resuscitation with questionable intubation | Death |