Table 3

 Reported diagnostic sensitivity and estimates corrected for missed cases among non-necropsied deaths

Target diagnosisReported sensitivity of clinical diagnosis* (95% CI)Sensitivity of clinical diagnosis adjusted for missed cases among non-necropsied deaths (possible range)†
*Reported sensitivity equals clinically detected cases divided by sum of clinically detected cases and those first detected at necropsy (derived from table 1).
†Ranges represent likely ranges of values for each estimate, with justifications explained in text and in table 2.
Aortic dissection (Pittsburgh)4086% (71 to 94)74% (70–78%)
Aortic dissection (Detroit)4193% (84 to 97)82% (77–85%)
Pulmonary embolism4297% (96 to 98)94% (90–95%)
Active tuberculosis4396% (95 to 97)83% (68–91%)