Table 1

 Frequency of different types of incident

Type of incidentNo of reports by main category of incidentNo of reports in each subcategory
*Categories of incident with less than 500 notifications are included within “other”.
Slips, trips and falls11766
    Medication management2514
    Medication errors1193
    Medication – administering596
    Medication – supply293
    Medication – prescribing191
    Infusion problems161
    Other medication80
    Lack of adequate facilities/equipment2394
    Other resource issues35
    Treatment – nursing care544
    Failure/delay in treatment462
    Treatment – medical345
    Lack of assistance/care291
    Treatment – surgical186
    Delay in performing an operation128
    Inappropriate treatment104
    Other treatment issues104
Medical records1742
Violence, harassment and aggression1140
    Violence and aggression event968
    Other violent incident172
Medical devices886
    Equipment – failure428
    Equipment – usage251
    Equipment – malfunction185
    Operator error22
    Incidents in community from absconded/discharged5
Patient management and progress monitoring657
    Management and progress monitoring340
    Post treatment191
No classification available2106
    Other patient management issues126
Self-harm and suicide616
    Other self-harm and suicide incidents35