Cross training16 | Team mates develop an understanding for the tasks, duties and responsibilities of coworkers; strategy targets team members interpositional knowledge and shared mental models for development; increases team coordination and reduces process loss |
Team coordination training*17 | Also known as CRM; focuses on teaching team members about basic process underlying teamwork; strategy widely applied in aviation, medical, and military communities; targets mutual performance monitoring and back up behaviour |
Team self correction training18,19 | Team members are taught techniques for monitoring and then categorising their own behaviours as to the degree of its effectiveness; this process generates instructive feedback so that team members can review performance episodes and correct deficiencies; additional KSAs targeted initiative, communication |
Team building20 | Targets role clarification, goal setting, problem solving, or interpersonal relations for improvement. However, recent meta-analytic evidence suggests team building only increases performance when targeting subjective criteria such as role clarification |
Assertiveness training21 | Utilises behavioural modelling techniques to demonstrate both assertive and non-assertive behaviours; provides multiple practice and feedback opportunities for trainees |
Metacognition training†22 | Targets trainee’s executive monitoring and self regulatory cognitive processes for development; training develops metacognitive skills which serve to regulate cognitive abilities such as inductive and deductive reasoning |
Stress exposure training23,24 | Targets trainee knowledge of both potential stressors and coping strategies; develops trainee insight into the link between stressors, perceived stress, and individual affect and performance |