Table 1

 Patients’ demographics

APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ICU, intensive care unit.
Mean (SD) age (years)57.3 (17.3)
Gender (% male)54.7
Mean (SD) APACHE II score23 (7.0)
Hospital mortality (%)
    Top 10 primary ICU admitting diagnoses, n (%)
        Septic shock427 (12.0)
        Bacterial pneumonia300 (8.4)
        Septicemia253 (7.1)
        Inhalation pneumonitis (gastrointestinal contents)168 (4.7)
        Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema (ARDS)145 (4.1)
        Cardiogenic shock140 (3.9)
        Primary brain injury131 (3.7)
        Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema78 (2.2)
        Exacerbation of chronic obstructive airway disease75 (2.1)
        Pneumonia, no organism identified61 (1.7)
1778 (43.2)
    Source of ICU admission
        Another ward2702
        Another hospital438
Total3545 (3 missing)