Table 3 Characteristics of 539 patients involved in testing process errors reported by family physicians and their office staffs*
n (%)
    Female339 (64)
    Male187 (36)
    0–1736 (7)
    18–44169 (33)
    45–64195 (37)
    ⩾65119 (23)
    Hispanic28 (7)
    White307 (74)
    Black68 (16)
    Other11 (3)
Chronic medical problems
    Yes243 (68)
    No112 (32)
Complex medical problems
    Yes190 (53)
    No169 (47)
  • *Totals for each variable are less than 539, because reporters did not know or did not report the data for every variable for all reports. Percentages are the percentages of patients for which the variable was reported.