Table 4 Summary of testing process errors by practice site (column %)
Test ordering25 (15)10 (10)12 (13)18 (28)43 (15)5 (4)7 (10)5 (8)125 (13)
Test implementation35 (21)19 (19)23 (24)15 (23)28 (10)45 (35)3 (4)5 (8)173 (18)
Reporting results to clinician35 (21)31 (31)13 (14)7 (11)89 (32)36 (28)8 (12)19 (29)238 (25)
Clinician responding to results7 (4)8 (8)9 (10)1 (2)15 (5)9 (7)9 (13)6 (9)64 (7)
Notifying the patient of results6 (4)7 (7)7 (7)3 (5)15 (5)6 (5)14 (21)8 (12)66 (7)
Administrative20 (12)9 (9)21 (22)11 (17)49 (18)22 (17)22 (32)16 (24)170 (18)
Treatments5 (3)3 (3)0 (0)1 (2)5 (2)1 (1)2 (3)0 (0)17 (2)
Communications13 (8)10 (10)5 (5)4 (6)17 (6)0 (0)2 (3)4 (6)55 (6)
Other process errors18 (11)2 (2)3 (3)4 (6)17 (6)5 (4)0 (0)3 (5)52 (5)
Knowledge and skills2 (1)0 (0)2 (2)0 (0)1 (0)0 (0)1 (2)0 (0)6 (1)
Total no. of errors for each practice166 (100)99 (100)95 (100)64 (100)279 (100)129 (100)68 (100)66 (100)966 (100)
Percentage of errors contributed by each practice(17)(10)(10)(7)(29)(13)(7)(7)(100)
  • *Family medicine residency clinics.