Overall commitment to quality | How much is invested in developing the quality agenda? |
| What is seen as the main purpose of policies and procedures? |
| What attempts are made to look beyond the organisation for collaboration or innovation? |
Priority given to patient safety | How seriously is the issue of patient safety taken within the organisation? |
| Where does the responsibility lie for patient safety issues? |
Perceptions of the causes of patient safety | What sort of reporting mechanisms are there? |
incidents and their identification | How are reports of incidents viewed? |
| As an opportunity for blame or improve? |
Investigating patient safety incidents | Who investigates incidents and how are they investigated? |
| What is the aim of the organisation? |
| Does the organisation learn from the event? |
Organisational learning following | What happens after an incident? |
a patient safety incident | What mechanisms are in place to learn from the incident? |
| How are changes introduced and evaluated? |
Communication about safety issues | What communication systems are in place? |
| What are their features? |
| What is the quality of record keeping to communicate about safety? |
Personnel management and safety issues | How are safety issues managed in the workplace? |
| How are staff problems managed? |
| What are recruitment and selection procedures like? |
Staff education and training about | How, why and when are education and training programmes about |
safety issues | patient safety developed? |
Teamworking around safety issues | How and why are teams developed? |
| How are teams managed? |
| How much teamworking is there around patient safety issues? |