Indicator* | Type 1 diabetes % achieving indicator (numerator/denominator) | Type 2 diabetes % achieving indicator (numerator/denominator) |
Glycated haemoglobin measured | 58.2 (686/1178) | 58.8 (4511/7668) |
Blood pressure measured | 50.8 (598/1178) | 61.1 (4685/7668) |
Total cholesterol measured | 20.0 (236/1178) | 26.5 (2031/7668) |
Creatinine measured | 31.4 (370/1178) | 41.7 (3199/7668) |
Foot vascular status assessed | 35.5 (418/1178) | 47.2 (3621/7668) |
Foot neurological status assessed | 28.5 (336/1178) | 38.2 (2929/7668) |
Retinal screening | 57.3 (675/1178) | 66.6 (5111/7668) |
Smoking status recorded | 77.6 (914/1178) | 82.9 (6357/7668) |
Glycated haemoglobin ⩽10% | 77.7 (533/686) | 90.4 (4077/4511) |
Glycated haemoglobin ⩽7% | 13.6 (93/686) | 42.8 (1933/4511) |
Systolic blood pressure ⩽140 mm Hg | 78.4 (469/598) | 50.7 (2374/4685) |
Diastolic blood pressure ⩽80 mm Hg | 75.4 (451/598) | 57.8 (2710/4685) |
Total cholesterol ⩽5 mmol/l | 43.2 (103/236) | 30.7 (624/2031) |
*Process measures, percentage of patients with record of process in previous 12 months; intermediate outcome measures, percentage of patients with measurement in last 12 months achieving target.