Table 1 Physicians in primary care practice* receiving Drug and Therapeutics Information Service visits in a geographically defined area (percentage of total conforming physicians practising† within the area)
Visit topic and commencement dateFayette county
Primary care physicians in practice in the area in June 2005 who had received visits/total no of primary care physicians practising in the area as at June 2005 (percentage)Total visits over the 29-month period of service operation; includes PAs ARNPs+all MDs (ie, includes endocrinologists and MDs who had left the area)
Individual visitsT2D visit 194/130 (72.3%)122
    Commenced February 2003
T2D visit 276/130 (58.4%)97
    Commenced May 2003
CNP visit 176/130 (58.4%)88
    Commenced March 2004
CNP visit 254/130 (41.6%)61
    Commenced July 2004
Overall individual primary care physicians receiving visits within the area as at June 2005102/130 (78.5%)
  • *Includes only physicians (MD or DO) who practice ongoing primary care for individual patients. This generally excludes paediatricians and those working in public health, hospitals, institutions or emergency care clinics.

  • †A total census of all “in-scope” physicians was conducted at the outset of service provision. This commenced using the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure lists and was supplemented by cross reference to listings of primary care physician providers of at least four separate health insurers with a significant market share within the area. The resulting aggregate listings were then checked by telephone calls to each office to confirm that each individual in the listing was truly “in-scope” for targeting by this service. Throughout the duration of visiting, the listing was adjusted to take account of physician movement in and out of the study area as discovered during visits.

  • ARNP, nurse practitioner; CNP, chronic non-malignant pain; MD, physician; PA, physician assistant; T2D, type 2 diabetes.