Table 2 Visit characteristics
Type 2 diabetes managementChronic non-malignant pain management
Visit 1Visit 2Visit 1Visit 2
First visitSecond visitThird visit*Fourth visit†
Visit and practice description
    Waiting time for the appointment
        Proportion with no waiting time (%)63616556
    Waiting time (min) where waiting time was not zero (SD)12.2 (9.6)20.8 (23.9)16.3 (16.8)14.0 (11.6)
    Length (min) of visit (SD)22.7 (11.2)16.7 (10.0)26.9 (14.1)18.4 (9.6)
    Proportion where the PCP was seen alone (%)90908387
    Where catering was needed at the visit (%)36283528
    Whether PAs or ARNPs were in the practice (%)34182210
    Whether CME participation was intended (%)49653633
    Whether MD wanted PAs or ARNPs visited (%)100100100100
    Location of manual on desk/shelf or easily found (%)473747
Levels of interest and engagement as perceived by visitors on five-point scales
    Perceived level of interest in the topic
        Better than “mildly interested”—Scale point 3 (%)90879197
        Ranked as “very interested”—Scale point 5 (%)54445544
    Perceived level of participation in the visit
        Either “good” or “high”—Scale point 4 or 5 (%)93919697
        “High participation”—Scale point 5 (%)67576159
    Perceived comprehension of the topic material
        Either “good” or “excellent”—Scale point 4 or 5 (%)94989297
        “Excellent”—Scale point 5 (%)72666461
    Perceived level of interest in the service
        Better than “mildly interested”—Scale point 3 (%)91959095
        Ranked as “very interested”—Scale point 5 (%)53535551
  • *Includes first visits for 11 primary care practitioners (PCPs) who did not receive any type 2 diabetes visits and a second visit for one PCP who only received one type 2 diabetes visit during the 29-month programme period.

  • †Includes second visits for four PCPs who did not receive any type 2 diabetes visits and a third visit for one PCP who received one type 2 diabetes visit as well as the first CNP visit during the 29-month programme period.

  • ARNP, nurse practitioner; CME, continuing medical education; CNP, chronic non-malignant pain; MD, physician; PA, physician assistant.