Direct care | All tasks directly involved with patient care, includes direct communication with patient and/or family |
Indirect care | All tasks indirectly related to patient care |
Find med record | Searching for a patient's medical record |
Find x-ray/scan | Searching for a patient's x-ray or scan |
Other indirect | All other indirect tasks (eg, reviewing results, planning care) |
All medication tasks | All tasks associated with medication, includes preparation, administration, documentation, discussion and clarification) |
Find order | Searching for medication charts/medical records with drug order |
Prescribe drug | Ordering a drug (includes discharge scripts, verbal orders) |
Transcribe order | Copying medication orders from one med chart to another |
Prepare drug | All activity around drug preparation and clean-up |
Clarify | Clarifying a drug order (with other people or other sources) |
Check drug | Checking and co-signing of a drug given by another staff member |
Admin | Giving medication(s) to a patient |
Chart | Documenting the drug administration details |
Discuss | Talking about a drug with health professional and/or patient and/or relative |
Review | Looking over drug orders as part of planning care |
Documentation | Any recording of patient information on paper or computer, excludes medication documentation |
Discharge summaries | Specifically documenting discharge summaries using an electronic discharge summary system at this site |
Other documentation | All other non-medication-related documentation |
Professional communication | All non-medication-related communication with another health professional, includes meetings, requests for medical consults and discussion around planning care |
Administrative | Any administrative activity that is not related to direct or indirect individual patient care—for example, employment issues, bed allocations |
In transit | Time between tasks and between patients |
Supervision/education | Supervising others, including supervising students as well as attending education sessions |
Social activities | All non-work activity or communication, as well as tea and meal breaks |
Pager | Whenever the pager alerts, this is recorded as an interruption; only includes time taken to look at and turn off pager |