Table 2 Parameter estimates from the full and the most parsimonious (final) segmented regression models predicting the mean monthly number of proton pump inhibitor units used per 10 000 patient-days
Estimate coefficientSDp Value
Full model*
1st segment (before the 1st intervention)
    Intercept α1885.8844.65<0.0001
    Baseline trend β14.552.600.0846
2nd segment (during the 1st intervention)
    Level change after June 2003 α2−358.5180.91<0.0001
    Trend change β2−28.889.060.0022
3rd segment (between the two interventions)
    Level change after July 2004 α3122.2583.050.1458
    Trend change β338.389.970.0003
4th segment (after the 2nd intervention)
    Level change after February 2006 α4−65.7688.700.4611
    Trend change β4−8.1610.950.4588
Final model†
1st segment (before the 1st intervention)
    Intercept α1954.1622.06<0.0001
2nd segment (during the 1st intervention)
    Level change after June 2003 α2−294.7873.300.0001
    Trend change β2−24.338.810.0074
3rd segment (between the two interventions)
    Level change after July 2004 α3171.1976.090.0277
    Trend change β332.459.120.0007
  • *The full model contains all the explanatory variables used for testing the effects of interventions.

  • †The final model (ie, the most parsimonious model) retains all the significant terms of the full model. This model contains the significant changes associated with interventions.