Table 2

Methodological characteristics of the reviewed studies

Alvarez and Coiera52Blum and Lieu7Brixey et al15Chisholm et al14Chisholm et al8Coiera et al53Coiera and Tombs54Dearden et al20Flynn et al21France et al11Friedman et al12Harvey et al9Healey, Primus et al33Healey, Sevdalis et al34Hedberg and Larsson10Laxmisan et al55Pape16Pape et al17Paxton et al22Peleg et al18Potter et al1Potter et al2Rhoades et al23Sevdalis et al24Sevdalis et al56Shvartzman and Antonovsky57Spencer et al58Tucker19Tucker and Spear41Westbrook et al13Wiegmann et al25Wolf et al59Zheng et al60
1. In what healthcare setting did the study take place? H=hospital; O=office; P=pharmacyHHHHHOHHOPHHHHHHHHHOOHHOHHOHHHHHHH
2. What HCP was studied? N=nurses; D=doctors; P=pharmacists; T=team of HCPsNDDNDDDNDNDD*PDDDTTNTNNND*DTNDTTDNDNNDTNT
3. What sources of interruptions were studied? C=communication related; P= only paper; A=all types (or did not specify type); O=operational failuresCPAAACCAAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAACACOAAAAA
4. Was the content of interruptions studied?xxxxx
5. Did the study observe a specific patient care process?xaxbxcxcxdxdxcxcxcxc
6. Did the study report what types of primary tasks were interrupted?xxxxxx
7. Did the study report the actions the participants took after they incurred an interruption?xxxxxxx
8. Was an intervention implemented to reduce interruptions?xxx
9. Was the cost of interruptions calculated?x
10. Was the effect of interruptions on patient care studied?xxxxxxx
  • HCP, healthcare professional.

  • a, rounds; b, medication dispensing; c, surgery; d, medication administration.

  • * These studies also studied patients.

  • This study administered questionnaires to individuals who make up surgical teams.

  • This study gave some examples of the content of interruptions.