Level of ECM classificationCategoryDefinition
Main level (n = 5)SRK level (n = 15)Sublevel (n = 20)
TechnicalT-EXT-EXExternalTechnical failures beyond the control and responsibility of the investigating organisation
TDTDDesignFailures due to poor design of equipment, software, labels or forms
TCTCConstructionCorrect design, which was not constructed properly or was set up in inaccessible areas
TMTMMaterialsMaterial defects not classified under TD or TC
OrganisationalO-EXO-EXExternalFailures at an organisational level beyond the control and responsibility of the investigating organisation, such as in another department or area (address by collaborative systems)
OKOKTransfer of knowledgeFailures resulting from inadequate measures taken to ensure that situational or domain-specific knowledge or information is transferred to all new or inexperienced staff
OPOPProtocolsFailures relating to the quality and availability of the protocols within the department (too complicated, inaccurate, unrealistic, absent or poorly presented)
OMOMManagement prioritiesInternal management decisions in which safety is relegated to an inferior position when faced with conflicting demands or objectives. This is a conflict between production needs and safety. An example of this category is decisions that are made about staffing levels
OCOCCultureFailures resulting from collective approach and its attendant modes of behaviour to risks in the investigating organisation
HumanH-EXH-EXExternalHuman failures originating beyond the control and responsibility of the investigating organisation. This could apply to individuals in another department
HK: knowledge-based behaviourHKKKnowledge-based behaviourThe inability of an individual to apply their existing knowledge to a novel situation. Example: a trained blood bank technologist who is unable to solve a complex antibody identification problem
HR: rule-based behaviourHRQQualificationsThe incorrect fit between an individuals training or education and a particular task. Example: expecting a technician to solve the same type of difficult problems as a technologist
HRCCoordinationA lack of task coordination within a health care team in an organisation. Example: an essential task not being performed because everyone thought that someone else had completed the task
HRVVerificationThe correct and complete assessment of a situation including related conditions of the patient and materials to be used before starting the intervention. Example: failure to correctly identify a patient by checking the wristband
HRIInterventionFailures that result from faulty task planning and execution. Example: washing red cells by the same protocol as platelets
HRMMonitoringMonitoring a process or patient status. Example: a trained technologist operating an automated instrument and not realising that a pipette that dispenses reagents is clogged
HS: skill-based behaviourHSSSlipsFailures in performance of highly developed skills. Example: a technologist adding drops of reagents to a row of test tubes and then missing the tube or a computer entry error
HSTTrippingFailures in whole body movements. These errors are often referred to as “slipping, tripping, or falling”. Examples: a blood bag slipping out of one’s hands and breaking or tripping over a loose tile on the floor
Patient-relatedPRFPRFPatient-related factorFailures related to patient characteristics or conditions, which are beyond the control of staff and influence treatment
UnclassifiableXXUnclassifiableFailures that cannot be classified in any other category