Table A1 Screening criteria applied in stage 1 to 3983 records of deceased patients and 3943 records of discharged patients and the proportion of hospital admissions positive for each criterion*
CriteriaDescriptionDeceased patients†(%)Discharged patients† (%)Total sample‡ (%)
1Unplanned admission before index admission (admission reasons are related to the index admission)241515
2Unplanned readmission after discharge from index admission01312
3Hospital-incurred patient injury (permanent or temporary injury obtained (acquired) during index admission)1677
4Adverse drug reaction744
5Unplanned transfer from general care to (an) intensive care (unit)1322
6Unplanned transfer to another acute care hospital (after unexpected deterioration of the patient)000
7Unplanned return to the operating room733
8Unplanned removal, injury or repair of organ during surgery422
9Hospital-acquired infection or sepsis2167
10Other patient complication1633
11Development of neurological deficit not present on admission511
12Unexpected death4702
13Cardiac or respiratory arrest400
14Injury related to abortion or delivery000
15Inappropriate discharge to home010
16Dissatisfaction with care documented in the medical record634
17Documentation or correspondence indicating litigation311
18Any other undesirable outcome not covered above1389
Percentage of records with screening criteria703954
  • *More than one criterion could be identified for one hospital admission.

  • †Weighted for oversampling of patients admitted to a university hospital.

  • ‡Weighted for oversampling of deceased patients and of patients admitted to a university hospital.